
PEX-B Tubing – 1/8″ CTS (ID) WHITE

Zurn PEX Non-Barrier Tubing is a flexible, low-lead compliant tubing that is suitbable for potable water plumbing applications. Produced from a high performance, cross-linked polyethylene material, ZurnPEX is easy to install and requires fewer fittings than rigid pipe. It is also resistant to mineral build-up and freeze damage.
. Specifications:

  • Tubing Performance Rating:
  • Operating Pressure Vacuum to 100 psi
  • Max Temperature: 180º F @ 80 psi     
  • Coil Length: 100’*

* Orders for lengths greater than 100′ will receive full coil(s). Any remaining length will be shipped as a separate segment.
Note: Any length of tubing that is less than a full coil must be custom cut and is non-returnable. Only complete, unaltered coils may be returned.

PEX-B Tubing - 1/8

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